September 2016 Issue: Anita Moorjani

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Cover Story: Anita Moorjani
Drawn from her near death experience, the bestselling author shares the biggest myths in today’s society keeping us from experiencing heaven on earth.

Editor’s Advice: Lessons From Heaven

Colette Baron-Reid: Harness the Power of Uncertainty
By utilizing intuition and working with Spirit, the bestselling author shares how we can navigate the murky waters of uncertainty to create the life we desire.

Book Spotlight: “The Universe Has Your Back” by Gabrielle Bernstein
In her new book, Gabrielle Bernstein shares how we can utilize the power of faith to transfrom fear to love.

Spirit Connection: Touched By Spirit by James Van Praagh
Our departed loved ones continually reach out to us from “the other side,” and by expanding our awareness, we can become more open to their signs.

A Course in Miracles Column
Enjoying the Illusion 
by Gary Renard
Forgive when the opportunity arises, but don’t forget to celebrate and enjoy the world of illusion as well.

Food As Medicine: Insulin Resistance — The Real Reason You Can’t Lose Weight by Christine M. Okezie, CHHC
When secreted in excess, insulin drives fat storage, but with changes in diet and lifestyle this can be reversed, and weight loss can be the result.

Healing Corner: Minimize Anxiety, Stress and Depression by Cathi Stack, ND
Today’s technology grants immediate access to world news, unpleasant events and anxiety-producing details of tragedy, but there are options to counteract this naturally.

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