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Advice From Sonia: Letting Intuition Be the Guide

Learning to listen to our intuition can be the most powerful resource we have to navigate the world around us

By Sonia Choquette

Intuition is your most powerful resource for living at the highest level in today’s modern world, and the greatest inventors, innovators, creative’s, artists and leaders throughout history heartily agree. Steve Jobs relied heavily on intuition to guide him to create Apple, the most successful company in the history of business. Einstein regularly attributed his intuition to the great discoveries he made in life, and Helen Keller said it was the most important sense of all.

Your inner voice protects you. It points you in the direction of opportunity, and leads you toward positive relationships – and away from those that aren’t. It saves you time, connects you with things you need and people who can enhance your life, and it can even protect your health. Intuition can also entertain you along the way, bringing you more joy. It is your internal GPS system, and serves to help you succeed and make life easier in every way. Best of all, it’s natural so everyone has it, including you.

So how can you tap into your intuition today?

Start by taking a few moments every day to breathe in deeply and relax. Notice where you are, what you hear, see, sense and feel, and what is taking your energy. Then turn your full attention inward and become aware of your inner voice. It can be a moment in the shower or just after parking your car at work. You can do it as you wash your hands before dinner or while you wait for the train home from work. It can even be done while folding laundry or watering your plants.

No matter where you are, as you get quiet, breathe in deeply and ask, “What is my intuition trying to tell me today? Or at this moment?” Don’t try to figure anything out. Don’t try too hard. There is no need to focus on any particular thing as you do this, unless you want to. Then, once you ask the question, simply listen to your heart, much like you would listen to a dear friend speaking to you on the phone.

It may take a moment or two for the mental chatter of the ego to quiet so you can hear.  Be patient. Relax and breathe as you listen. As you do, also become aware of any gut feelings, bright ideas, flashes, creative impulses or thoughts that may cross your mind. All of these are the calling cards of intuition. It’s important to pay attention, as they arise quickly and leave just as quickly, so practice being aware of their subtlety.

Also know intuitive feelings arise in many forms, and can even vary from day to day. You may hear them in your mind one day. The next day you may feel them, sense them, see them, or simply have a direct feeling as if to say, “I just know.” Or, all of the above.

Pay close attention to these subtle flashes of insight and intuition, in whatever guise they appear. One effective way to get good at this is to acknowledge all intuitive feelings and flashes out loud as they dance across your mind. That way, you capture them before they slip away. As the saying goes, “If you name it, you claim it.”

Once you acknowledge your intuition, allow yourself to fully absorb what your inner voice is saying. Let the message sink in. You will discover the more you give your intuition a valued voice in your life, the more it has to offer, and the better your life will be for it, in every way.

sonia_choquetteSonia Choquette is a spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, storyteller and visionary guide known for her delightful humor and skill in quickly shifting people out of difficulty and into flow. She is the author of 19 bestselling books on intuitive awakening, personal growth, creativity and transformational leadership, including The New York Times bestseller “The Answer Is Simple.” Her work has been published in more than 37 languages, making her one of the most widely read experts in her field. For more information, visit www.SoniaChoquette.com.


One thought on “Advice From Sonia: Letting Intuition Be the Guide

  1. susan gale says:

    As always, appreciate your words. I will have to figure out a way to get you back here to Massachusetts and A Place of Light!

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