Cover Story: Guided by the Heart
Intuitive psychiatrist Dr. Judith Orloff explains how working with emotions can lead to soul growth and transformation on the path to spiritual awakening
Editor’s Letter: A Year of Lessons
FREE Preview: Why Eat Whole Foods — Give the body more nutrients and protect against disease through a natural, whole food approach to eating.
Also Featured in This Issue:
- Building a Spiritual Vision Board
- Healing Corner: Heal illness, alleviate pain and affect emotions with the all-natural power of essential oils.
- Law of Attraction Column by Paul Goldberg: The True Gauge of Self-Esteem
- Editor’s Letter: a Year of Lessons (Free Preview!)
- Communication with Spirit: Spiritual Medium Carol Obley
- Divine Guidance Column by Matt Kahn: What Really Matters
- Book Spotlight:
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fears and Take Life to the Next Level
, by Gay Hendricks