Cover Story: Lessons in the Lyrics
Editor’s Letter: The Open Window
Having released the second album, Fearless Love,
of a planned trilogy on spirituality and her life, singer, songwriter and musician Melissa Etheridge is dedicated to choosing love instead of fear, and to making the world a better place.
FREE Preview: An Integrated Approach
Through a combination of alternative and holistic therapies, such as polarity therapy, reiki, aromatheraphy, hynosis and more, NY-based J.J. Biasucci works with clients to create the ideal environment for the body to heal.
Also Featured in This Issue:
- Book Spotlight: The Truth About 2012
- The Book of Destiny: Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012, by Carlos Barrios, a shaman and member of the Mayan Elders Council
- Healing Corner: The Organic Truth
- Organic foods have been proven to be more nutritional, better-tasting – and even better for the environment.
- Law of Attraction: Stop Resisting Your Life by Sonia Ricotti
- Learning to let go and accept negative situations and people in life will make room for the positive to flow in.
- Calling All Angels: Personal Protectors by Deanna August
- Assigned to each of us as guides along our earthly path, we all have guardian angels to call on for help.
- Energy Awareness Radio: Lessons on Letting Go with Guy Finley