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Alternative Healing

Dead Sea Salt Can Help Sinus Pressure and Headaches

The waters of the Dead Sea are known for their therapeutic benefits and containing minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iodine, zinc, bromide, potassium and sulfur. Since these minerals are also found in skin cells, many people like to add the salts to a bath.

But what about rinsing the sinuses with them to alleviate sinus pressure and headaches? Doctors are finding this method better than a store-bought saline solution using a neti pot, according to a recent Fox News report.

“Most people use hypertonic saline, which is basically just table salt that they put in warm water, and they bathe their sinuses,” said Dr. Robert Graham of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. “[A] study looked at the concentration of the Dead Sea salt as a substitute … and it showed that it was better in terms of quality of life and symptoms.”

Graham told his patient Rebecca Hensberry about the option after six months of antibiotics was not providing her with relief from sinus problems, which would help decrease mucus production and inflammation, and she found it helpful, the report stated.

“I could tell that it was working, and within about a week, I was cured. I’m feeling great,” she said in the Fox News report.

Additionally, Dr. Graham said using the Dead Sea salts are all-natural, non-addictive and have no harmful side effects.

One thought on “Dead Sea Salt Can Help Sinus Pressure and Headaches

  1. How much dead sea salt (in solid form) should I use for 250ml of filled warm water?

    Can I use the same kind of dead sea salt that’s advertise for bath for sinus rinse?


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