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Spiritual Self Help Books

Elevated Existence March 2017 Spiritual/Self-Help Book Picks

Each month, a ton of new spiritual and self-help books hit the market. It’s easy to get overwhelmed or miss out on some new releases.

We created Elevated Existence Monthly Book Picks to help our readers narrow down their search, and make sure they don’t miss some great options!

Here are the picks for March 2017. They are listed below in alphabetical order. Click on each title to go directly to Amazon and find out more about the book.


are-we-happy-yet“Are We Happy Yet?: Eight Keys to Unlocking a Joyful Life,” by Lisa Cypers Kamen
internationally recognized applied positive psychology coach and expert in life-crisis recover, Lisa Cypers Kamen shares her breakthrough system for cultivating sustainable happiness and well-being no matter what drama, trauma or challenges come your way. She offers practical tools techniques, tips and exercises to boost your “happiness factor,” and explains how to accept the past for what it is a reference point, not a destination); embrace the truth that while life is tough, you can be happy; transform your relationship with yourself from enemy to ally; appreciate why less is often more; and how to use your newly discovered joy to become a more positive and productive influence in the world.

beyond-mars-and-venus-1“Beyond Mars and Venus: Relationship Skills for Today’s Complex World,” by John Gray
The bestselling author revisits his classic “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus,” to move beyond and look at relationships in the modern world. Today, men and women are no longer trapped by rigid societal roles. Now, more than ever, we have the freedom to be our authentic selves. Women can access their masculine side, and men can embrace their feminine side. This new freedom is a good thing, but it also brings new challenges. In this book, Gray teaches how to strengthen your bond and grow in love together, so you and your loved one can meet each other’s needs in the best way possible — bringing you lasting happiness and a fulfilling partnership.

the-boy-who-knew-too-much-1“The Boy Who Knew Too Much: An Astounding True Story of a Young Boy’s Past-Life Memories,” by Cathy Byrd
At the age of two, baseball prodigy Christian Haupt began sharing vivid memories of being a baseball player in the 1920s and ’30s. From riding cross-country on trains, to his fierce rivalry with Babe Ruth, he described historical facts about the life of American hero and baseball legend Lou Gehrig that he could not have possibly known at the time. Distraught by her son’s uncanny revelations, Christian’s mother, Cathy, embarked on a sacred journey of discovery that would shake her beliefs to the core and forever change her views on life and death. In this book, she shares her experiences, the lessons she learned, and a story of healing in the lives of these intertwined souls.

the-compassionate-achiever-1“The Compassionate Achiever: How Helping Others Fuels Success,” by Christopher Kukk
New research in biology, neuroscience and economics have found compassion — recognizing a problem or caring about another’s pain and making a commitment to help — not only improves others’ lives, but it can also transform our own. Based on the most recent studies from a wide range of fields, this book reveals the benefits of practicing compassion, including more constructive relationships, improved intelligence and increased resiliency. Written by the founding Director of the Center for Compassion, Creativity and Innovation, Kukk shares his unique 4-step program for cultivating compassion.

the-compassion-book-1“The Compassion Book: Teachings for Awakening the Heart,” by Pema Chodron
Pema Chödrön introduces a powerful, transformative method to nurture compassion and fearlessness to awaken the deep goodness that lies within us. Her teachings include fifty-nine pithy slogans for daily contemplation, and how to understand them and use them to enrich our lives. It also features a 45-mintute, downloadable audio program entitled, “Opening the Heart,’ with instruction on tonglen meditation to awaken compassion within.


don-miguel-ruiz-little-book-of-teachings-1“don Miguel Ruiz’s Little Book of Wisdom: The Essential Teachings,” by don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
This compilation of wisdom from don Miguel Ruiz, collected by his son don Miguel Ruiz Jr., includes his essential teachings from don Miguel Ruiz’s recorded lectures, workshops, interviews and the private moments between father and son.



good-grief-1“Good Grief: Heal Your Soul, Honor Your Loved Ones and Learn to Live Again,” by Theresa Caputo
The star of TLC’s Long Island Medium and New York Times bestselling author Theresa Caputo provides a guide to overcoming grief, filled with inspiring lessons from Spirit and stories from the clients who have been empowered by her readings. She uses the lessons from Spirit to guide readers through grief toward a place of solace and healing. Each lesson is grounded in her clients’ stories as they share the experience of losing their loved ones, their encounters with Spirit during readings, and the ways in which they’ve been able to heal and grow. Each chapter also includes activities to help you find your “new normal” — including journal entries, individual and group exercises, meditations and moments of reflection.


napoleon-hill-on-the-air-1“Napoleon Hill Is on the Air!: The Five Foundations for Success,” by Napoleon Hill
In 1953, at the pinnacle of his career, beloved motivational speaker Napoleon Hill—whose classic Think and Grow Rich continues to inspire millions—distilled his lifetime work into a series of live radio broadcasts. In each one, Hill walked his listeners through one of the Five Foundations for Success—what he described as absolute musts connected to “practically all achievement that’s worth mentioning.” This book comprises the never-before published transcripts in a Q&A format to provide deep analysis of the “big five” principles and how to apply them for maximum benefit in business and relationships.


unplug-meditation-1“Unplug: A Simple Guide to Meditation for Busy Skeptics and Modern Soul Seekers,” by Suze Yalof Schwartz
Studies show you can get more done — and do it better — by doing less, just by consciously unplugging for a few minutes each day and meditating. This new book by the founder and CEO of the LA-based meditation studio Unplug Meditation simplifies this powerful practice and shows the overwhelmed and overworked how easy it is to unplug in order to relieve stress, regain focus and recharge.


younger-sara-gottfried-1“Younger: A Breakthrough Program to Reset Your Genes, Reverse Aging and Turn Back the Clock 10 Years,” by Sara Gottfried
The New York Times bestselling author of “The Hormone Cure” and “The Hormone Reset Diet” shows every woman how to create a lifestyle that will help her look great, feel energized and slow down the effects of aging. Science shows 90 percent of the signs of aging and disease are caused by lifestyle choices, not your genes. Harvard/MIT-trained physician Sara Gottfried, M.D. created a revolutionary 7-week program that empowers us to make the critical choices necessary to not just look young, but also feel young. She covers five key factors that lead to accelerated aging — the muscle, brain, hormone gut and toxic fat factor — and how to treat them.

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