VIDEO: Create Your Ideal Future

When it comes to the law of attraction, we are told to visualize our goals as though we already achieved them. This is true, and has worked for many, but for some reason, we tend to focus on the big things — the relationship, the job, the house.

But the power of our imagination is not just for the big things. It’s for everything.

In this week’s video, I share how to create the ideal outcome for your day or a particular event, and how the small wins we discover empower us to go after the bigger goals with more faith and knowing.

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VIDEO: How to Improve Your Mood in 3 Minutes or Less with Tammy Mastroberte

Have you ever found yourself in a bad mood — feeling angry, anxious or depressed — and you are not sure why?

Or maybe you know why, but you can’t seem to get yourself out of it to start feeling better again?

Sometimes one of these “moods” can start one day and drip into the next, and this not only effects your daily life (and those around you), but it changes your vibration and what you are drawing to you or creating in your life.

I’ve seen this in my own life, and those around me, and I’ve become pretty good at shifting my energy when I get like this, so I want to share with you a quick process for you to improve your mood in 3 minutes or LESS!

Yes, it IS possible, so watch the below video and try it for yourself.

And be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel for more!

Abraham-Hicks Talks Source Connection Part II: Physical Health

In Part 2 of our coverage from a live, online 2-hour event on featuring Esther and Jerry Hicks and the evolved consciousness collectively known as Abraham, we are focusing on physical health.

If you missed Part 1, check out Abraham-Hicks on Unfulfilling Love Relationships.

When a caller asked about physical health, explaining she found it hard to concentrate on perfect health because every time she feels “a twinge of pain, it sends me down in a spiral, and I feel like I’m on a roller coaster” of feeling good and feeling pain.

The title of the event was “Getting in the Vortex,” and in their book “The Vortex: Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships,” Abraham-Hicks describes the vortex as “that [which] contains all of the requests, all of the amended requests, each and every detail of each and every asking that has emanated from you – and the Law of Attraction is responding to that.”

Abraham explained that as soon as we realize what it is we don’t want, simultaneously we understand what we do want, and that request “bounces vibrationally into this vortex where it is being held for you.”

Our physical body is made up of “trillions of cells and within them are consciousness,” said Abraham. “Every particle of consciousness – whether it’s a one-cell organism, a cell in your body or a full human being – knows what it doesn’t want and what it does want, and sends out rockets” of desire.

In other words, similar to us as humans sending our rockets of desire into the universe, the cells in the body do the same. As soon as they realize they are not well, they send out the desire or need to be healthy, and their “request for improvement goes into their vortex – because your cells have a vortex too,” Abraham explained.

But here’s the difference between us as humans and the cells in our body – they don’t have a mind to get in the way!

“When a cell asks, the cell doesn’t brood and worry and fuss and justify and defend. So all day, every day, as your physical apparatus is exposed to unwanted intruders, the cells know what they don’t want and because they don’t hold themselves out of the vortex, they have manifestation right away,” Abraham said.

However, if we as human beings are feeling angry or upset or worried, we are setting up resistance that hinders the cells of our body from working properly. “If you are setting up resistance that the cell has to make its way through, you hinder immediate recovery or balance,” Abraham told the caller.

Instead of focusing on a pain in the body or any dis-ease, we need to get out of the way and let our cells do what they know how to do. Abraham recommends saying to ourselves, “Oh, this is exactly the way it is supposed to be. My cells are doing the work they know how to do because I am a vibrational being first and foremost … as these cells are asking for
improvement, they would find it immediately if I would stop fussing and get out
of the way. This sensation means help is on the way.”

In the vortex, we are already where we would like to be, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, Abraham explained. It’s just that this physical reality has not yet caught up with the vortex, and if we keep focusing on the physical reality, we will never catch up. “You just stay in the gap,” they told the caller.

Here’s to staying out of the way!

Be sure to read Part I of our coverage on Unfulfilling Relationships!