Cleansing and detoxing the body seems to be catching on everywhere – from well-known doctors creating new programs to new cookbooks filled with detoxing recipes. But while detoxing the body, it’s important to remember the mind and spirit also need a cleansing from time to time.
In their new book, “Bliss Cleanse: Your Two-Week Guide to Greater Health and Happiness,” authors Lindsey Smith and Lorraine Miller lay out a clear cut guide to quarterly, seasonal cleaning that incorporates all three aspects into the program for a full self cleansing.
“Whether you are just beginning to explore healthier food and lifestyle choices, or you’re simply looking for new inspiration and a more holistic approach, this cleanse is a perfect guide to achieving your health and happiness goals, and creating your life of bliss,” the authors explain in the beginning of the book.
Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, the authors provide a seasonal eating guide, pantry must-have’s, and even recipes for amazing body scrubs, toothpaste, facial masks and more! Each season includes a seven-day meal plan with recipes, a shopping guide, a daily checklist, and daily inspirations.
Also, the authors will be offering a “live cleanse,” each season so readers can go through the process with a community of people by their side. For more information, visit the website at