Attract More Prosperity Through Giving

By Jennifer Garza

Our natural inclination is to hoard and protect our insider secrets or our knowledge. We want to keep knowledge from those around us who may use it to get ahead of us. Our egos take over and we perceive knowledge as “ours” and not as part of the collective.

The downside of this is when you protect your knowledge, gifts and insider secrets, you send a message to the Universe that success should not be shared, and therefore, you will not receive gifts in return. Or if you do achieve success this way, it will be arduous, and you will be so bent on keeping what you have that it will consume you.

What we fear is what we attract. Mother Teresa declined to participate in anti-war demonstrations, but said as soon as there was a pro-peace rally she’d be there. Focusing on what you don’t want tends to make it stronger. Take former President Nixon’s 1971 declaration of the war on drugs, for instance. The problem has only gotten worse.

So how do you begin to change your mindset and energy to focus on giving and sharing?

1. Remind yourself daily that sharing attracts sharing. When your vibration is open and giving, you will attract others who will open and give to you. Give openly and without expectation. If you feel people “owe” you, you will attract more situations where you feel people “owe” you.

2. Let go of the fear of not having enough and believe you will always be provided for. Focus on prosperity, instead. By changing your energy and mindset, you will attract more positives.

3. Concentrate on sharing your gifts with the world and doing what you love. Place your focus on fulfilling your life’s purpose, and material possessions will follow.

4. Realize that if you are struggling with success, your struggle is part of a learning lesson. All paths, even the disappointing ones, are leading you to where you are supposed to be.

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her. 

Neale Donald Walsch Shares 3 Secrets to Ending Struggle

Neale Donald Walsch found himself with an amazing job in broadcasting at the age of 19, and by 21, he was a programming director. Walsch always made more money than he needed and had a lot of friends and loved ones. But by the age of 50, things suddenly turned south.

His health, career and relationships began to fall apart – all at the same time – and he found himself living on the street for a year. He got divorced, and had an automobile accident that left him with a broken neck. As he explains it, his life went “from bad to worse.” However, looking back on it now, he knows “it was the greatest thing that could ever happen to me,” he said during a live Webcast by Evolving Wisdom called “The 3 Secrets to Ending the Struggle and Making Your Life Work.”

One night, sitting in the dark, Walsch said he called out to God and asked what he had done to deserve this pain. He began to write down questions he wanted answers to, and suddenly he heard a voice over his right shoulder say, “Do you really want answers to all of these questions or are you just venting?” He answered, “yes,” and began to write all the thoughts that came into his mind.

“I wanted to write it all out because I wanted to have a record of it [since] the experience was so profound,” he said At the time Walsch thought he was just keeping a personal journal, but eventually the words he channeled became the best-selling book “Conversations With God.”

More importantly, Walsh began applying what he was learning in his own life, and it immediately began to change. He saw a “rapid shift” in his health, relationships and financial stability, and the same is true for many who have read his books and applied its teachings.

However, Walsch recently encountered a friend who was in need of help. She told him she had read his books, as well as those by other authors, and although she had tried to apply it to her life, nothing seemed to be working for her.

“She began to cry, and said she didn’t believe in this stuff anymore because nothing was working for her,” said Walsch. “That is how the three secrets of life emerged from me – the three biggest secrets I learned in my conversations with God.”

These secrets are:

  • Your growth process is complete.
  • There is nothing wrong in your life, nor has there ever been.
  • You are not alone.

Your Growth Process is Complete “Your growth was never necessary to begin with,” Walsh explained in the live webcast. “You were completely evolved when you came here at the moment of your birth. You were born in a state of utter perfection. If you want to see it, look into the eyes of a baby – nothing is wanted and nothing is needed.”

He continued: “The purpose of life is not to become more than you are, but to be more of who you were the moment you arrived.”

The problem is many of us believe the purpose of life is to evolve into something greater, or to acquire more wisdom, clarity or physical things. But there is nothing we have to do or be in order to express who we are, said Walsch.

“The process works in reverse. We are not here to acquire, but to give. Your job is not to get better and become more of who you are, but to demonstrate who you are right now so that God might know itself experientially through the expression of life in every one of its forms, including the form that we call you.”

What Walsch discovered was through giving to others what he wanted to receive – as though he already had it – he would then obtain what he wanted. “Be the Source” became the guiding principle of his life.

“I would give someone money even though I didn’t have much. I would say to myself, ‘what if I had enough and that was so much, I could give it away.’ So I began to give it away,” he said. “I did the same with relationships and compassion. I found people who wanted the same things I wanted and decided to be the source of it. Suddenly, I found those same things flowing through me.”

He discovered his purpose was not to have things for himself, but to give it away. “When your purpose is to give it away, the universe suppliers you with an unlimited amount of it because it knows there are so many people who are in need of it. That is the secret to all the masters from Jesus to Buddha. Their initial motivation was not to gather it all for themselves, but to be a flow through for others,” Walsch explained. “If you have 30 cents in your pocket, find someone that needs a dime and give it to them.”

Nothing is Wrong in Your Life, Nor Has it Ever Been – Walsch explained everything in our lives is going perfectly even though we think it is not. The secret here is to turn frustration into celebration because what we resist persists and what we look at through the eyes of the soul will disappear.

“Many will say ‘it’s nice to say its perfect, but it doesn’t feel perfect to me,’” Walsch commented. “Suppose you decided you were the light. God would say ‘great now how would you know you are the light if there was not darkness. I will surround you with darkness, but when you are in the darkness, don’t curse it – use it so you may know who you really are.’”

The best way to deal with darkness in life is to turn to gratitude. “Gratitude is the attitude,” Walsch said. “Your job is to be thankful or every circumstance and condition in life because its all perfectly created.”

He reminded listeners that if they want to express themselves as kindness, compassion, forgiveness and love, they need the opposite conditions first. If they are to practice forgiveness, they need someone to forgive.

When we judge, resist or make circumstances in our lives wrong, problems become insurmountable. But by accepting, and even being grateful for them, we have the opportunity to demonstrate who we really are at our core, Walsch explained.

Suffering will continue as long as we say we do not want it, or deny the gift it carries with it. We are pushing away the conditions that will help us. “Stop condemning the things that look like they are going wrong in your life and use them in the recreation of who you really are,” he said.

You are Not Alone – Most people believe they are alone, and that is what makes the circumstances of life intolerable, according to Walsch, who said emotional loneliness is one of the biggest problems facing humanity today.

“Almost any experience in life can be tolerated if we can imagine we are in a shared space with another,” he noted. “We are all one and never alone in the sense that everything else is a part of us. We know that at the cellular level. The impulse of life it to merge with other life. You are already merged but when you don’t know that, then you have an e-mer-gency.”

God, the divine, a higher power, or whatever name is given to it, exists everywhere and all the time. The awareness that divinity is with us, part of us, and surrounding us, allows us to feel we are not alone.

“The biggest insight is that God is always with me and never apart from me, and that I can talk to and communicate and access God, and I can be aware of and receive assistance any time I wish,” he explained.

Once we understand we are connected to all things, we will find a sense of peace, and it will be easier to deal with the challenging moments of life, said Walsch. We will look at life in a whole different way and find an inner serenity we never dreamed possible.

“These things can be found through meditation, prayer or other spiritual practice, but I’m talking about having those experiences in your every day life,” he said. “All of life turns out to be a meditation, and all of life turns out to be a prayer.”

Walsch explained that once we understand and apply these three secrets, all we want will be given to us. “God said, ‘your life has nothing to do with you. It has to do with everyone whose life you touched,” said Walsch.

His new book, “The Only Thing That Matters”, will be released this month – Oct. 16, 2012, but is available for preorder now.

Letting Go of Fear (to attract what you want!)

By Jennifer Garza

Fear is a good thing. It’s an ingenious survival mechanism. We are biologically wired to fear lions, tigers and bears (oh, my!) to keep us safe. The problem is, despite being removed from these primitive dangers, our wiring hasn’t changed much.

While fear shields us from real harm, it also protects us from perceived harm – like change and discomfort. This keeps us from growth and attracting what we deserve, and is why Robert Allen’s quote, “Everything thing you want is just outside your comfort zone” is so powerful. Your fear keeps you rooted in what is comfortable.

Achieving greater success is uncomfortable because it rattles your natural inclination toward homeostasis. So how do you eliminate the fear in your life and attract what you want?

Look at fear-inducing scenarios as opportunities, not scary obstacles to avoid.
It’s hard to stick your neck out. Taking on new experiences puts you at risk for perceived failure, embarrassment and rejection. But taking on risks also yields the greatest rewards. If you switch your mind-set and begin looking at risks as opportunities, wonderful things can happen.

For instance, if you fear public speaking and are asked to give a presentation, focus on your strengths. Don’t focus on not being a stellar speaker – view it as an opportunity to share an innovative idea or unknown resource. Focus on what you can contribute. Decide to shine in fearful circumstances by visualizing opportunities and using the platform to highlight your talents.

Create positive “what if” scenarios.
Focusing on the negative will always increase your fear and often leads to negative outcomes. Instead, create positive “what ifs.”

“What if they say ‘no’” becomes “What if they say ‘yes’ and my life changes.”

“What if they blow me off” becomes “What if they are impressed by my ideas.”

This concept takes practice but is worth the effort.

Weigh your current situation against a more positive scenario.
Do you despise your job, but fear a change may be worse? Take an honest look at what’s in front of you. If you’re already miserable, what do you have to lose? If you can’t change your current situation (or if you’ve tried until you’re blue in the face) it may be time to move on. Concentrate on the advantages of a new direction.

Re-evaluate your decision-making periodically.
Think you’re immune to fear? An avalanche of negative circumstances can cause even the most positive of us to make decisions based on fear. If you feel stuck or hesitant, ask yourself why you feel this way. If you crave a change but find yourself second-guessing, it may be time to see if fear is behind your dilly-dallying.

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her. 

Why Happiness is a Choice

By Jennifer Garza

What we think, we become. All that we are arises with our thoughts.~ Buddha

FACT: Research shows genetics determines about 50 percent of your happiness.

You know that neighbor who’s always smiling, or that friend who laughs when her child drags toilet paper all over the house when you come for Friday night dinner? Or what about the guy who brings donuts into work every Monday, just because. Have you thought to yourself they must be some genetic anomaly?

Well, it’s true – some of us are just wired to be happier. But this is only half of the story. There are some surprising facts about happiness and your power to create it. You literally just have to believe.

FACT: Research shows forty percent of happiness is determined by your thoughts and actions.

Genetics, shemetics. A whopping 40 percent of your happiness is 100 percent in your hands. This is a huge number. Imagine if your income jumped 40 percent overnight. Or your weight. This number is nothing to scoff at.

You can deal with anything with grace if your belief system allows you to see the positive. If you think you are doomed to unhappiness because of genetics or circumstances, you are wrong.

FACT: Research shows only 10 percent of your happiness is a result of circumstances.

While you may assume what happens to you is a large determiner of happiness, circumstances are an extremely small percentage of what makes you happy. You can win the lottery or become a paraplegic. Studies show that one-year after either of these major life-changing events, you’ll be just as happy as you were before. This realization can change your life, because it shows the secret to happiness is within your mind. How you perceive the world determines your happiness. And how you perceive the world is your choice.

But what about the facts, you ask? Isn’t it true that there is injustice in the world, that bad things happen to good people, and that those you love sometimes hurt you? Yes. But this is not the whole story.

FACT: Most of what we tell ourselves is not the truth.

Just as we see with our minds, and not our eyes, our reality is not based on fact – it’s created through our thoughts.

For instance, if a guy cuts you off in traffic, you label him as careless and insensitive. But what if he was escorting a loved one to the emergency room? If your new neighbor, Jane, ignores your wave and hello, you label her as rude. But what if she’s just found out about a death in the family?

Perception taints even the simplest things. If you knew how many times you’ve misinterpreted a comment on Facebook, you’d be astounded. The fact is that your interpretation of events rarely has anything to do with fact.

So, you have a choice. You can choose to view the world with a cynical eye, or you can open yourself up to the possibility that not every situation is as you perceive it to be. You can choose to let go of the ego’s attempt to judge others in order to feel superior about yourself. You can choose to understand your way of showing love is not everyone’s way of showing love. You can choose to understand your opinion is simply your opinion and allow others to have their own. You can choose to pick happiness despite life’s tragedies and let-downs.

That’s the beauty of happiness – you get to choose.

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her on Facebook

How to Stay Positive Around Negative People

By Jennifer Garza

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”  ~ Oprah Winfrey

Human beings, by nature, are empathic. We intuitively pick up on vibes, including negative ones. If we’re not careful, we absorb them and send them back into the Universe. Not only is this unhealthy, it’s just no fun!

Below are tips on how to disconnect from negative people in your life.

Limit contact
Did you ever notice how dealing with certain people leaves you feeling drained? Limiting contact with toxic people can keep you from being mired down in negativity. If you must have contact with the person in question – say a co-worker or ex-spouse – focus on ways to limit contact and diffuse potential negative interactions without sacrificing your voice or power.

For instance, avoid a co-worker’s penchant for gossip by taking your lunch breaks in a different area. Or exchange custody of your children via a third party.

TIP: Do a cost/benefit analysis. If the cost outweighs the benefit, then distance yourself from that person.

Avoid reacting
During conflict with a negative person, avoid reacting or engaging. If you take the bait, you will get hooked. Taking the high road doesn’t have to mean not standing up for yourself. Simply state your stance without making reference to the person’s negative opinion, belief or attitude.

TIP:  When faced with a person’s negativity, remind yourself it has little to do with you and is mostly due to their thoughts or feelings. Separate the negativity or attack from the issue or problem. Once the issue is identified, concentrate on discussing a solution, leaving out any counter-attacks of your own.

Establish boundaries
Boundaries are key when dealing with negative people. It may be a hard conversation, but if handled with finesse, can be liberating.

Suppose you have a sister who becomes verbally abusive on the phone when you disagree with her point of view. Let her know that you are no longer willing to be the brunt of her abuse. Convey your feelings about her behavior in a non-confrontational manner.

Say something like, “When you call me names, it hurts my feelings. It’s not fair to me, and from now on when this happens, I’ll be hanging up the phone.” Either your sister will change the way she interacts with you, or your phone calls will become very short. Either way, you’re teaching her to treat you with respect.

TIP: Look up “I statements” on the Web and study how to use them in conversations.

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her on Facebook

Three Ways to Repel Negativity (And Attract What You Want in Life)

By Jennifer Garza

When it comes to the law of attraction and manifesting our desires, negativity is the fastest way to sabotage our goals. Here are three ways we can stop the flow of negativity in our lives.

Resist the urge to vent.

We all vent – it’s a way to blow off steam after a hard day or an argument with a friend. It seems harmless. However, recent studies show that this urge can actually be hazardous to your health. The problem with venting is that once you start, it’s hard to stop, and gripes can quickly turn into rumination. According to research, rumination sustains or increases feelings of sadness, creates negative thinking, interferes with ability to solve problems, and decreases motivation.

TIP: Take a two-week no-venting challenge. You’ll be surprised how after a respite, you’ll notice that venting creates feelings of heaviness. During the challenge, find humor in your situations and laugh. Replace your urges to vent with gratitude for the good things in your life!

Focus on the positive.         

Negativity attracts negativity. Ever notice how a day that begins badly usually gets worse? If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed your thoughts swing to the negative. Do an increased amount of negative situations actually occur? Maybe, maybe not. But situations are at least perceived more negatively.

For instance, instead of ignoring the rude person in line for coffee, you say to yourself “What a jerk. People are so inconsiderate.” This line of thought increases your “inconsiderate people” radar throughout the day. However, if you chose to say to yourself “Aw, poor guy probably had a rotten morning like me!” and smile, you might be surprised how your mood shifts. And your kindness may have the same effect on the gentleman who left his manners at home that morning.

TIP: For every negative situation, try to figure out what opportunity exists there. Is it an opportunity to learn or extend kindness? If you can’t find the silver lining, realize you can’t control everything and everyone and release the negative thoughts. Remember, research shows that persistent negative thoughts can contribute to depression.

Remind yourself that you are in control of your feelings.

You will have bad days – we all do. But when you feel blue, instead of blaming the weather or a loved one’s comment for your mood – decide to take charge. You may not be able to control your circumstances, but you can control your thoughts about the circumstance. Realize that no situation or person can make you feel badly unless you allow it.

TIP: Figure out what you’re telling yourself that is contributing to your negative frame of mind. Does one negative thought like “I feel stuck in my job right now” spiral into generalization like “I’ll be stuck in this crappy job forever?” Replace these generalizations with positive affirmations for the future!

Jennifer Garza, M.S., has a master of science in counseling and psychology. She is a former therapist and has taught life enhancement classes at venues including college campuses, state conferences and prisons. She is the author of the inspiration journal “365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Dreams to Manifest a New Life.” Garza has been featured in Natural Health magazine, AOL,, Young, and on FTNS radio. Visit her website at or connect with her on Facebook