Set to debut in June 2013, Impact with Martin Sheen, an award-winning series on public television, will report on the benefits of alternative medicine from western doctors, highlighting how Western medicine is embracing the benefits of alternative remedies.
Impact with Martin Sheen is an independently produced television series airing in markets around the country on public television, and is hosted by actor. The series is spending time with doctors and researchers to find out how a new approach and receptiveness to alternative remedies is giving medical professionals another tool in the fight against illness and disease.
In this new report, audiences will see how alternative remedies are becoming part of a holistic approach to treatment for a variety of conditions. While these remedies are not replacing modern medical science, they are helping patients grow stronger sand endure the demands of sometimes rigorous treatment, the producers reported.
Check local listings for air times on public television and PBS affiliates in individual markets in June, and for more information on the show, visit at