The Chopra Center Offers Free 21-Day Meditation Challenge

Starting August 15, The Chopra Center is launching its Summer 2011 Meditation Challenge, where participants will receive a free guided audio meditation and instruction each day based on the teachings of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, founded by Deepak Chopra, M.D. and David Simon, M.D.

“At the Chopra Center over the past few years we have seen a rapidly growing interest and demand for meditation instruction and meditation retreats as people become more and more aware of its profound benefits for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being,” Chopra said.

Those interested in participating can sign up for FREE at

“We created the 21-Day Meditation Challenge to offer people step-by-step guidance and help them experience first-hand how practical meditation really is and how immediate and profound the benefits are,” Chopra said.

Chopra recently appeared on the Dr. Oz show to discuss meditation as a tool for weight loss, explaining: “Meditation is one of the most effective ways to release the stress, conditioned behavior, and negative thought-loops that keep many people in a cycle of overeating. We also know that regular meditation decreases the body’s production of cortisol and other ‘stress hormones’ that cause us to hold onto excess weight and accelerate aging,” he said.

Do something good for yourself this summer, and sign up for this! You WILL see a difference in 21 days!