VIDEO: The No. 1 Reason You Are Not Getting Signs From Loved Ones & the Universe

Do you struggle to receive signs from loved ones who have passed on or from the Universe, your angels and guides?

My mother passed away when I was 22 years old from a sudden brain aneurism, and I have been blessed to continue to receive signs from her 19 years later. And I promise you, your loved ones are sending them to you too!

In the below video, I share a story of the housewarming gift I recently received from my mom (from the other side), and explain the No. 1 reason I have found that people are not receiving signs — and, of course, how you can fix it!

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VIDEO: A Sign the Universe is Talking to You

Do you get messages from the Universe?

We are always communicating with the Universe — through our thoughts and emotions — but the Universe is also communicating back.

But are you recognizing it? Or are you missing its messages?

I share a sign to look out for that will clue you in when the Universe, your angels or guides, are trying to guide you, direct your or offer some reassurance that you are on the right path in the below video.

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Click here to be notified when I go LIVE on Facebook each week so you can hang out with me and like-minded souls.

Download a FREE Gratitude Meditation here!

VIDEO: A Common Way the Universe Communicates With Us

Did you know the Universe is constantly communicating with you?

It’s ALWAYS directing  you, guiding you and helping you. The problem is, you don’t always recognize it!

What I’m most passionate about, and focusing many of my teachings on, is creating a dialogue with the universe. This means, not only learning how to communicate to the Universe, but also learning how it communicates back to us.

In this video, I share one way the Universe communicates — and it’s a big clue that it’s trying to tell you something!

Once you know what to look for, you can get the message and act on it!

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VIDEO: Jumpstart Your Signs from the Universe by Tammy Mastroberte

Are you someone who says you never get signs from a loved one who has passed?

Do you struggle to see the signs from your angels, guides and the Universe?

I promise you, the signs are happening all around you. The Universe, our guides and our loved ones on the other side are constantly communicating with us. The question is, are we open to receiving them?

Here is a quick and easy way for you to jumpstart receiving signs. It’s actually something I started doing a long time ago without even realizing it, and you can start doing it right now too!

Watch this video to find out how!

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My Message From a Starbucks Fly

If you are familiar with me and my work, you know I believe we are given constant signs and synchronicities from the Universe to help us on our path — whether navigating us where to go next, assuring us we are on the right path or waking us up to something we might not have noticed or realized.

Well, my latest sign came courtesy of a fly at Starbucks!

I was sitting in a local Starbucks with the intent of working for a few hours without any distractions, and as soon as I sat down, I noticed a fly buzzing around the chair.

Now, this Starbucks was pretty big, and I was all the way in the back of the store, sitting in a nice brown leather chair with a table right next to hold my unsweetened, iced passion tea. I assumed since the place was pretty spacious the fly would eventually be on its way to another section (and another person).

I was wrong.

This fly was apparently in love with me because he never left my side. He crawled on the table next to me (I think he was even staring at me at one point) and he buzzed about in front of me, behind me and around me. He never truly got in my way, but he was there and kept grabbing my attention.

At one point I even texted my boyfriend: “I’m being harassed by a fly. Just thought I would share…”

Over two hours passed and this fly was still hanging out with me. Then it hit me! This fly has an entire Starbucks to roam about and he is sticking with me. There must be a reason.

I looked up the metaphysical meaning of a fly, and this is what I found:

“Your persistence in reaching your goals will bare fruit sooner than later. Even if that means annoying others or being selfish for a while — you do have the ability to accomplish your goals.”

I got the chills because here I was at Starbucks trying to minimize distraction so I could get work done and move toward my goals. Not only that, but I spent the last few weeks writing down my goals, breaking them down into projects and prioritizing daily tasks to get them all done (thank you J.B. Glossinger and your “Sacred Six Method”}. I have also been feeling guilty because I have work to do and can’t take off every time loved ones have off from work.

This fly reinforced exactly what I need to hear.

And the best part . . . as soon as I looked up the meaning online and got the message, after hanging with me for hours, the fly immediately flew away and never came back.

Message received little fly, and thank you for your help.

I wanted to share this story to show you an example of how the universe is always communicating with us, and sometimes even the things we find annoying or negative hold messages for us.

Keep your eyes open, my friends, and don’t discount anything — even a little fly.

tammyTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement company at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence. Follow her on FacebookTwitter: @ElevatedTammy on Instagram: elevatedtammy

How I Tested the Universe & You Can Too

I’ve always been a girl who looks for proof. Maybe it’s the Virgo in me, but the more detail and proof I can get on something, the better. I’m always up for a challenge or test to find out for myself if something is actually true, and that is what author Pam Grout offers in her New York Times bestselling book “E-Squared: Nine Do-It Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Thoughts Create Your Reality.” So I took her up on the challenge.

I decided to try the first experiment, which tells you to demand from the universe, or what she calls the Field of Potentiality, a clear sign that it exists.

The experiment Grout lays out in the book is to ask the Field of Potentiality to send an unexpected gift or blessing with the deadline of exactly 48 hours. It was 11 p.m. at night when I started the experiment, and was excited at the possibilities.

In the first 24 hours nothing happened. But knowing the universe sends us signs all the time, I didn’t worry, and kept my eyes open for my unexpected gift. However, at 11 p.m. the next night, I got worried.

Why had I not received anything unexpected? Did I do something wrong? How can I tell people the universe has their back and is always sending signs, if I just failed this experiment? I went to bed thinking maybe I would start over again tomorrow.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still thinking about how I could have possibly messed up this assignment. I live my life looking for and receiving signs from the universe, from loved ones who have passed, and from my angels and guides. What did I do wrong?

I hear from people all the time about how they don’t receive signs from loved ones who have passed, or from their angels or guides, and I always tell them the signs are there, they are just not recognizing them when they arrive.

Surely I could not have missed an unexpected gift, right?


I walked into my home office the next morning and realized what happened. The day before, I was going through the mail we receive at Elevated Existence, which is often filled with new books, CDs and DVDs to review. In one of the packages, a musician, Paul Avgerinos, included his CD Bhakti and a beautiful dark green T-shirt with the same word on it. As I walked into my office that morning, I saw the T-shirt and it hit me. That was such a nice surprise, and yes, a very unexpected gift!

Not only that, but I have been looking for some new T-shirts with inspirational words and sayings on them, and “bhakti” is a Sanskrit word meaning “love and devotion.”

Thank you universe! And thank you Paul Avgerinos, who I’m sure had no idea he was conspiring with the universe on behalf of my experiment!

I share this story for two reasons. One, to show you how easy it is to miss the signs sent to us everyday from the universe, angels and our loved ones who have passed. It has become such a big part of my life, and yet even I missed this one … temporarily!

And two, there really is a higher force who is listening to you, and who hears your cries for help and direction. It’s not about whether or not the universe or God answers our prayers. It’s about whether or not we are tuned in, conscious or aware enough to recognize the answers when they come.

Try the experiment yourself, and keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open for your gift or blessing. I promise you, it’s already on its way.

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on FacebookTwitter: @ElevatedTammy on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit