Spiritual Dating: Creating a Natural Aphrodisiac

By Amy Leigh Mercree

It’s time to put he sexy back in spiritual. Here is the truth: you are a spiritual being with an amazing amount of vital life force flowing through you. It’s unlimited, really and truly. And depending upon your degree of awareness of that universal life energy, you feel alive, wide awake and present.

Being present is 100 percent necessary to feel sensual. It’s how you notice what turns you on, whether it’s a lover’s touch as he brushes by you on the way to do the laundry, or the feeling of a warm breeze on your face, or even a crazy thought that pops into your head. Your senses can wake up and pay attention to things you might not have noticed and a beautiful thing happens – you further awaken to your body, and your heart can follow.

Your heart longs to be seen for its love and its sacred, special nature. Everybody’s does. It hopes in its quiet moments that someone will see the truth within and find it worthy of love. When you are present to yourself something cool can happen, you can truly see yourself, both flaws and strengths, and be captivated with your own unique colors.

Coming from the space of experiencing loving and caring for yourself, and even allowing that self love to inform your behavior, means you are solid in who you are. Thereby, you become inherently, effortlessly confident and absolutely magnetic to the right people. These right people can see your radiance and have experienced their own spiritual beauty too.

Imagine bringing two people in this space together to date and eventually be intimate. Both people are emotionally mature and kind to themselves. They are present. As a bond grows and new things are discovered sexual tension grows too. The more these two people honor each other and themselves, the more passionate energy flows between them. It’s effortless and natural. It’s simply energy moving back and forth as they get to know one another.

When the heart and the body get together and experience love, profoundly satisfying things can happen with a partner or even on your own. Sex and love are best when intertwined in an erotic dance. That’s when things can get cosmic.  You can connect in spirit this way and love can be experienced in myriad intoxicating forms.

So, how can you feel truly present? This question is asked by people from all walks of life, of every age, in all kinds of ways like: “How can I feel more alive?” “How do I get my mojo back?” (If you’re Austin Powers.)

Start simple. With the palms of your hands, start at the soles of your feet and rub briskly moving up your legs and body and repeat aloud or in your mind, “I am here now. I am present.” And just feel what it is like to be fully in your body. Really bring your awareness to that experience.

Now try to bring your conscious awareness to your feet, really inhabit them.  Then do this with your feet and legs. Then be present from your feet up through your torso bringing your awareness all the way to the tips of your fingers. And then from your feet all the way to the top of your head – your entire body. Can you feel your entire body simultaneously? You might feel this awareness like a pulsing or a tingling.

What if you got into that deeply present place and then explored the sensual, whether solo or with a loving partner in the same state of awareness. Would everything be richer and more intense? Would you experience sensations and pleasure in a new way? Would your soul feel fed to know you are seeing your sacredness and if a partner is involved he or she is too? Give it a try and find out!

Amy Leigh Mercree is the author of “The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates,” a Spiritual Dating & Relationship Coach, and a Medical Intuitive. For more fun articles and her dating advice column visit her blog and website:www.spiritualgirlsguide.com.

Etheric Sex & Owning Your Space

By Amy Leigh Mercree

When a sexual connection is strong between two people, etheric sex can happen. It is energetic sex — that is, sex with our spirits. Most commonly it happens with intention and conscious knowledge of one another. In those cases, couples who are apart connect energetically and emotionally through the medium of love. Their love for one another flows and etheric lovemaking can occur.

You can imagine it like angelic beings might make love. The human body can feel this in the usual physical ways or in more energetic ways, like pulsing energy and tingling sensations.

Rarely, etheric sex can occur between people who have yet to meet or have only met briefly. This is something under the jurisdiction of the two people’s Higher Selves. And in these cases Natural Law is very important to remember: Helping All, Harming None. Etheric sex must be completely consensual, otherwise it is a psychic attack of a very damaging kind. Attempted forced etheric sex is like an energetic assault.

However, something like this can only happen if you allow it on some level. If you clearly own your space, you fill your own auric field up and there are no openings or little holes for someone to try to get in, then no one can ever try to force any kind of energetic interaction on you whether you are aware of it or not. Remember, you own your space. You fill your being and the area surrounding you with your energy.

To affirm this you can state, “I own my space.”  When doing so, feel your energy fill your body and the area around in a sphere about five feet out in all directions. You can easily protect yourself from psychic attack. You are safe, by owning your space. Your ex, for example, can’t force you to have etheric sex. The creepy guy you met also cannot hurt you etherically. You are strong and full of power. You own your space.

Real etheric sex grows out of two people’s higher selves loving each other. So, people who believe they are having etheric sex with someone who does not want to have it with them are not having etheric sex. They are having sex with a projected fantasy of their own making — completely separate from the actual person. In essence, with a part of themselves they are representing in the image of this other person. The other person is not impacted by this at all, especially if they consciously own their space.

It is important we are conscious about our actions as well. Fantasy with a “hologram” of someone we are attracted to is fine. In that case we are acknowledging he is not really with us. We are just attracted to him or what he represents for us. Go ahead and think about George Clooney or whomever floats your boat.

On the other hand, anything more energetically potent towards, for example, an ex who dumped us, is unacceptable. How do you tell the difference?  Intention. With a harmless Clooney fantasy, your intention has nothing to do with him. It is about you feeling turned on and the actual guy or his energy body have nothing to do with it.

In the case of the ex who dumped you, your intention may be on any level from conscious to unconscious to influence the real him to feel your connection and exchange energy with you and possibly get back together. If you did this, no good can come of it. He might feel trauma from it, if he is aware of it. You would fare worse. Remember the part of natural law that states, everything you put out you receive back threefold? It’s the way the universe works. It is self-correcting. If there is any grey area about the fantasy, choose someone else, someone you’ve never met for example.

Etheric sex between two people’s Higher Selves grows out of love. Etheric Sex is best used to deepen connection between existing long-term, monogamous partners. And of course, having etheric sex is just like having regular sex, if you are married or in a monogamous relationship, ethically you may only have it with your partner.

Amy Leigh Mercree is the author of “The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates,” a Spiritual Dating & Relationship Coach, and a Medical Intuitive. For more fun articles and her dating advice column visit her blog and website:www.spiritualgirlsguide.com.

September Self-Love

By Amy Leigh Mercree

How many of us have less than stellar memories of the first day of school? The odds are at some time in our lives, we had a bad opening school day. Whether we were made fun of for our fashion choices (me), or didn’t feel like we had any friends (also me), or had trouble at home clouding our day. We may have not felt fully supported, nurtured or safe.

Children and teens everywhere are heading back to the classroom. You can use it as an opportunity to reprogram any past trauma associated with going back to school, back to structure, and losing the freedom of summer. One simple, potent and miraculous cure will soothe and heal any old hurts: Self-Love.

Self-love is a pervasive acceptance of who you are. It’s believing in your true core that you are alright – that you ‘re worthy and special. Self Love is also making a commitment to treat yourself with loving kindness and working at that skill. Loving kindness toward yourself gives your body, mind and heart the clear message that you are important, worthy and valuable. When we steep ourselves in self-love, our bodies’ may heal, our hearts will lighten and begin to feel safe, our minds can relax, and our spirits will feel free to soar.

Right now, ask yourself the following question and just let the first thing that pops into your mind be your answer: What is the most important thing in your life you must change to demonstrate your love for yourself, to yourself?

Your actions give your body loud, potent messages. In your love life, if you are not loving yourself and accepting nothing less than kind, loving treatment from a boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, you are literally giving your body a negative message. This is multifold. It’s energetic. It’s emotional. It’s physical. And it can wear away on your spirit and inspire you to leak vital life force in a way that is detrimental to your health.

A client accepted hostile treatment from her boyfriend for too long and said nothing.  She came down with a throat-based illness that completely and totally cleared up when she broke up with him and ejected him from her life. In our treatment together, she realized she needed to demonstrate some major self-love to herself to even have the option of feeling emotionally safe in a relationship again.

Here are some ways to love you today!

1) When making a life choice, consider your heart. What choice would make it soar?  Do that!

2) Tell yourself, in the mirror, “I love you. I love myself.  I love ______ (insert your first name).” Try it for one week, every morning and night. You will be amazed at the difference in how you feel.

3) Listen to your needs and take action to fill them. Make this a top priority.

4) In your love life, let every choice be an extension of your love for yourself. If a choice doesn’t honor you, don’t make it. Put your health and happiness first.

5) Feed your spirit. Sit in a meditative posture and take a few moments to hug yourself while doing deep, gentle breathing. Feel your heart and use the mantra

“love” repeating it every few minute to focus on love for self, love for nature, love for the universe. Open a little bit more each time to love and feel the love the Divine has for you. It’s unconditional. Absorb it. Let it fill your body and expand within you and commit to giving that same unconditional love to yourself daily.

This September bring your focus to self-love and feel any old hurts melt away as you wash them with deep, encompassing self-love.

Amy Leigh Mercree is the author of “The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates,” a Spiritual Dating & Relationship Coach, and a Medical Intuitive. For more fun articles and her dating advice column visit her blog and website:www.spiritualgirlsguide.com.

Spiritual Dating: The New Sexual Revolution

Many people believed it was a desirable thing to go out and assert their power and independence by having whatever sexual experiences they wanted. But things have changed and many of these people have taken up yoga or meditation. They’ve gone green, and have chosen to live a more conscious and spiritual life. And for those who are not married or in long-term, committed relationships, that old way of dating and mating doesn’t feel right anymore.

A quiet sexual revolution is happening and it is called “Spiritual Dating.” You may be already doing it and not even know it, or you may be seeking a new, more conscious way to experience your love life and this may be your answer.

Spiritual Dating means dating as if all people are sacred. Imagine that. What would that be like? In this case, sacred means special, a treasure, and worthy of respect and kindness.

The tenets of Spiritual Dating apply in the following three ways:

You – You are sacred. Picture dating as if you are sacred. What would that be like? You would be recognizing your specialness and feeling confident in it. You would accept only dates that resonated for you, and not put yourself in situations that didn’t feel right. You would honor and respect the specialness of your body, and it would transform your sex life and encourage major discernment as far as partners go. In short, you would be on your way to creating emotional safety for yourself.

Your Dates – Your dates are sacred. Each potential date you meet is a sacred being, even if he or she may not be the right person for you. In the case of your exes, he or she may not have been a good person for you to for you to date, but they are all sacred. Your behavior in this case would change because if someone asked you on a date, you would see them as sacred, and treat them with kindness – even if you said no to the date. And if after a few dates you weren’t feeling it, you’d be kind but honest and straight with them, letting them know so they could move on. You’d behave with an extra high standard of integrity, therefore, you would also be more likely to magnetically attract dates with that same high standard for their own behavior.

Being Seen – People you date must see you and themselves as sacred. That means they are doing the above too!  For your sex life, this is the revolution! You and your potential partner see each other as worthy of respect and kindness, and as special, sacred people. That is the only way you choose to share intimacy. This one change can transform your entire love life. Really give some thought to how that could apply in your life. It may not be easy, but it is far more satisfying, and creates an internal environment of self-trust and self-love. Your actions will even be demonstrating to your body how sacred you are! That conscious choice can actually resolve health issues in the reproductive and whole body arenas.

Spiritual dating and sacred sexuality are a sexual and spiritual evolution. Have you already started down this path?  Share your stories and ask your questions here in the comments section.

Amy Leigh Mercree is the author of “The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates,” a Spiritual Dating & Relationship Coach, and a Medical Intuitive. For more fun articles and her dating advice column visit her blog and website:www.spiritualgirlsguide.com.


Spiritual Dating: Declare Your Independence From Inauthenticity

By Amy Leigh Mercree

Too often, dating today means being someone who you aren’t. You mold yourself to fit with your date and their interests, values and desires all the while denying the authentic person that lurks within. Most of the time, this is a subtle change in how you act, what you choose to do or even how you talk. But this approach is not only unsatisfying and unhealthy, it’s also the least effective approach if your objective is to find lasting love with a compatible partner.

Enter Spiritual Dating: dating as if all life is sacred. This month declare your independence from inauthenticity and be the real you! The three R’s of authenticity will guide your way.

Real love comes from real connection. For real connection to be born both people have to reveal their authentic selves in greater and greater increments over the course of dating. Do this in manageable ways that feel safe like only saying you like a type of music or movie if you truly do. Be the REAL you with courage and confidence. You are a treasure and the right dating partner will easily see your radiance!

Rare and authentically wonderful people do exist! Spot them by boosting your discernment and intuition. Developing discernment takes confidence in yourself and a commitment to listen to your intuition. Self-observation also helps. Notice how you react and feel around certain people. The flutter in your chest plus a slight sense of being off-balance you felt with the boyfriend who ended up being unsupportive and using drugs may be the signal to watch for next time. Use your knowledge of your emotional and physical sensations to your advantage. Choose to discern the reality of situations.

Your intuition is already there inside of you and ready to roll. Notice your gut feelings, your first impressions. If you get the sense from a visceral place that someone is really kind, caring and nice, they probably are. Follow up by observing. Do they act that way in all or most situations?  Use your discernment and intuition to sense the rare, special people with whom you may be compatible. These will be your authentic partners who can meet your authenticity with their own truth and create the refreshing cocktail of an honest relationship.

Refreshing treats in the dating world are: fun, easy, totally non-awkward conversations and dates. Try to create that for yourself on dates by being yourself and having a light, sparkling joyful quality to your life, and therefore your dates. Don’t put up pretenses and false fronts. Instead share your truth. Whether you are the ultimate girly girl, a die-hard tomboy, a militant vegan, or the poster child for the steak of the month club, there are plenty of people who can appreciate and enjoy your true self. Be your refreshingly real authentic self! That kind of confidence is captivating and your dates will respond, especially if they are the right person for you. Let that confidence extend into the types of activities you do in your life and on your dates.  Try new things and create a life that is authentic and filled with your own personal brand of joy; then great authentic dates with be the icing on the cake!

Amy Leigh Mercree is the author of “The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates, a Spiritual Dating & Relationship Coach, and a Medical Intuitive. For more fun articles and her dating advice column visit her blog and website: www.spiritualgirlsguide.com.



How to Bring the Spiritual & Sizzle Back to Your Love Life

By Amy Leigh Mercree

Summer breezes, swimming on hot days, and steamy nights provide the perfect backdrop for a love life makeover. Enacting some of the principles of “Spiritual Dating” can make it happen! Spiritual Dating can take an unsatisfying romantic life and turn it into a fulfilling, sensual and emotionally safe celebration of love in all its forms.

Here are two easy ways to bring the spiritual and sizzle back to your love life – whether single or coupled:

1. Embrace your sacredness. Bring your focus to the idea that you are sacred. Sacred means precious, special and a treasure of true beauty – that’s you! Integrate this truth by saying aloud “I am sacred,” and notice how it feels in your body, and how it uplifts your body’s energy. Then, set an intention to integrate your sacredness into your physical body’s cellular structure by saying the “I am sacred” affirmation aloud daily.

Next, take a look at how you act. Do you act and speak as if you know you are sacred? Do your actions honor who you are? Do your choices affirm your sacredness? When you start living your sacred truth, you won’t allow yourself to do things that demean you or dishonor you. Instead you will choose your health and happiness. Challenge yourself today to make this step part of your love life makeover – live in a way that affirms how sacred you are.

The funny thing about integrating your sacredness is it makes space for you to feel sexier. When you can trust yourself and your actions to be fully honoring, something beautiful begins to happen. You feel emotionally safe. Finally, you can really trust yourself, and that means when you feel it is right, you can really let loose and experience the ecstatic, climactic, sensual, pleasurable truth of who you really are. You can do this solo or with a trusted partner and either way your love life will be better.  Single or coupled, you will be living an important principle of Spiritual Dating – to honor, revel in and embrace your sacredness.

2. Get sensual. Focus on your five senses.

As it heats up outside, we often feel awakened to our physical bodies and to our physical presence. Embrace this and get sensual with it. Beyond the romantic connotations of sensuality there is the core of the idea: the five senses.

Our senses give us information all of the time, but they are an often untapped reservoir of joy and enjoyment we could have in our lives. One of the reasons we are here in human bodies is to enjoy the experience of duality, of having a body. The sights, sounds, smells, tastes, sensations of being human are a rich, satisfying cacophony of potential pleasure and enjoyment.

What can you do today to embrace your sensuality?

– Make icy, refreshing snow cones
– Swim in a ocean or lake feeling the water caress your skin
– Walk in a field of flower and grass smells
– Look at the passing colors as you drive down a country road
– Light candles before bed and let yourself enter an unfocused state as you observe the play of light on the walls
– Fill your windowsills with glasses full of water with different blends of food coloring
– Walk barefoot in the grass or on the beach
– Spend time in the forest and kinesthetically feel the majestic rough bark of different types of trees
– Dance to your favorite songs with the windows open to let in the fresh air
– Have a lemonade and sorbet tasting party with friends
– Melt ice cubes on your lover’s body
– Try skinny dipping on a hot night

Take ownership over your enjoyment of life and make a commitment to experience life’s pleasure on a daily basis. When you are enjoying life and in touch with your body, you radiate more confident and more sensual energy. Be the sacred, sensual being you truly are and enjoy your love life like never before!

Amy Leigh Mercree is the author of “The Spiritual Girl’s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, & Soul Mates,” a Spiritual Dating & Relationship Coach, and a Medical Intuitive. For more fun articles and her dating advice column visit her blog and Web site: www.spiritualgirlsguide.com.