Danielle MacKinnon: Revealing (and Releasing!) Soul Contracts

By Jennifer McCartney

How many times have you wondered why, no matter how hard you try, you can’t keep a relationship? Or stay healthy, or make enough money? Or that you just can’t seem to find happiness?

Danielle MacKinnon, author of “Soul Contracts: Find Harmony and Unlock Your Brilliance,” intuitive, coach and animal communicator (who was named one of the country’s top 100 Astrologers and Psychics of 2014) shared with listeners of the “Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Soul Summit Season 2,” how we can learn to recognize and release these hidden energetic barriers, or soul contracts, which block the way to true happiness and success.

“We form these [soul contracts] really young when we start believing negative things about ourselves,” MacKinnon explained to listeners. This complicated belief system still operates in us adults, and often leads to a lot of our problems, she says. As a coping mechanism, we create methods to “fix” the negative things we believe about ourselves, and begin to act certain ways in order to feel better about ourselves. These soul contracts will continue to negatively impact our lives until we discover them and release them.

Most people have no idea they’re being guided by these contracts but they are usually aware that they are stuck in some way. MacKinnon shared the example of a 45-year old woman being guided by her soul system, which consists of all these contracts we have made in the past.

“She needed to sacrifice for others to prove that she was worthy,” she said, explaining this was one of her soul contracts. “It had never occurred to her that sacrificing for love wasn’t the way to receive love.”

However, the things we do in order to alleviate the “blockages” caused by soul contracts are just a band-aid solution. A person who feels unworthy in life may constantly feel the need to prove their worth. But if someone feels they have to prove their worth in order to receive, “that giving is not coming from a place of ‘I have so much overflowing love,’” said MacKinnon. It’s coming from a place of ‘I need to prove something.’”

To listen to Danielle’s interview, along with 26 other top experts in mind, body & spirit topics, sign up for the FREE summit now! 


Identify & Release
So how can we begin uncovering and releasing our own soul contracts? “It’s not complicated work…but people need to know the steps,” said MacKinnon.

First, we need to identify where exactly we are stuck. What are the soul contracts that are holding you back? “A soul contract will show up as a block. Why do I work overtime and not get paid? Why do my relationships end in disaster? Why don’t a feel happy? It’s often not just in one area,” she said, explaining a soul contract can affect all areas of our lives, from health and relationships to money and career.

For example, if you don’t feel safe in the world, your may have a soul contract that prevents you from speaking up so that you can protect yourself. This can affect you at work and in relationships. You may have the awareness that this is an issue, but simply trying to change a behavior once we are aware doesn’t work in the long term.

“Instead of a behavior change, we work on a belief change,” she noted. “It’s about clearing the negative energy. Clear and release these contracts. Once you feel safe in the world, speaking up isn’t an issue.”

She advised working on awareness first because by simply becoming aware of our contracts, we can begin to shake up our energy — often enacting smaller changes before the final clearing. Some people may come to realize they have a large number of soul contracts, but having a lot of them isn’t a bad thing.

“When you identify one, you now know that it’s operating in many areas of your life—your health, your wealth, relationships,” she noted, explaining once you clear it all these areas will improve.

After identifying the contracts, it’s about releasing yourself from them, ad MacKinnon provided listeners with a way to do this at home, walking them through it on the call. Speaking in a powerful voice, after calling in our guides, angels and helpers on the other side, we can say the following:

“I now consciously release all energies that are no longer serving me as a result of my ‘aha’ moments today. This includes all that my soul knows I’m ready to let go of as well as [here you can talk to your guides about what’s on your mind]. Please release all resulting physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attachments, and call my akashic records, consciousness and unconsciousness, and assist me in aligning with my greatest and highest potential. As these energies release please gracefully open my crown chakra and infuse me with the energy of unconditional love. [Take a moment and feel the love]. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

The block then feels less after a successful release, explained MacKinnon. “The success comes in increments—each small shift results in a new experience. The belief is shifted a little bit each time,” she noted.

Here are some tips to keep in mind as you work on releasing your soul contracts:

  • Be sure to set your foundations before getting started—remain grounded and organized and don’t just dive in and try and do everything.
  • Avoid trying to unblock too many contracts at once. You want things to shift in increments, otherwise it’s not sustainable. Shifting in bits is more natural.
  • “The proof really has to be in the pudding,” says MacKinnon. If you feel contentment and excitement you’re doing something right.

For more from MacKinnon and the other 25 experts in mind, body and spirit topics, sign up FREE to Season 2 of the Living an Elevated Existence Summit.


How I Tested the Universe & You Can Too

I’ve always been a girl who looks for proof. Maybe it’s the Virgo in me, but the more detail and proof I can get on something, the better. I’m always up for a challenge or test to find out for myself if something is actually true, and that is what author Pam Grout offers in her New York Times bestselling book “E-Squared: Nine Do-It Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Thoughts Create Your Reality.” So I took her up on the challenge.

I decided to try the first experiment, which tells you to demand from the universe, or what she calls the Field of Potentiality, a clear sign that it exists.

The experiment Grout lays out in the book is to ask the Field of Potentiality to send an unexpected gift or blessing with the deadline of exactly 48 hours. It was 11 p.m. at night when I started the experiment, and was excited at the possibilities.

In the first 24 hours nothing happened. But knowing the universe sends us signs all the time, I didn’t worry, and kept my eyes open for my unexpected gift. However, at 11 p.m. the next night, I got worried.

Why had I not received anything unexpected? Did I do something wrong? How can I tell people the universe has their back and is always sending signs, if I just failed this experiment? I went to bed thinking maybe I would start over again tomorrow.

When I woke up the next morning, I was still thinking about how I could have possibly messed up this assignment. I live my life looking for and receiving signs from the universe, from loved ones who have passed, and from my angels and guides. What did I do wrong?

I hear from people all the time about how they don’t receive signs from loved ones who have passed, or from their angels or guides, and I always tell them the signs are there, they are just not recognizing them when they arrive.

Surely I could not have missed an unexpected gift, right?


I walked into my home office the next morning and realized what happened. The day before, I was going through the mail we receive at Elevated Existence, which is often filled with new books, CDs and DVDs to review. In one of the packages, a musician, Paul Avgerinos, included his CD Bhakti and a beautiful dark green T-shirt with the same word on it. As I walked into my office that morning, I saw the T-shirt and it hit me. That was such a nice surprise, and yes, a very unexpected gift!

Not only that, but I have been looking for some new T-shirts with inspirational words and sayings on them, and “bhakti” is a Sanskrit word meaning “love and devotion.”

Thank you universe! And thank you Paul Avgerinos, who I’m sure had no idea he was conspiring with the universe on behalf of my experiment!

I share this story for two reasons. One, to show you how easy it is to miss the signs sent to us everyday from the universe, angels and our loved ones who have passed. It has become such a big part of my life, and yet even I missed this one … temporarily!

And two, there really is a higher force who is listening to you, and who hears your cries for help and direction. It’s not about whether or not the universe or God answers our prayers. It’s about whether or not we are tuned in, conscious or aware enough to recognize the answers when they come.

Try the experiment yourself, and keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart open for your gift or blessing. I promise you, it’s already on its way.

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on FacebookTwitter: @ElevatedTammy on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com

Editor’s Advice: The Universe Always Guides Us Back to Purpose

Have you ever followed a GPS, but accidentally took a wrong turn? Mine immediately kicks into gear to re-route me to my destination, with a voice saying, “calculating route.”

A few years ago, as I became more conscious and aware through meditation and spiritual practices, I began to recognize how the Universe, God or Source works the same way as the GPS in our car.

No matter how far you stray from your purpose or the higher path you are meant to walk along, the Universe never stops trying to re-route you and gently nudge you back.

When we look back on the events and subtle signs from our past through a process I call Following the Footsteps, we can all begin to uncover this re-routing. Even though we didn’t notice it at the time, the Universe actually had our back! Bestselling author, Marianne Williamson often says the Universe is “both self-correcting and self-organizing,” and I continue to see it happen in my own life.

For example, at 29 years old, after my first formal meditation training, I knew in my gut I wanted to work for myself (the first gentle nudge from the Universe). But at the time I had no clue what that meant, so I pursued the possibility of working on my own as a freelancer. However, nothing real came out of it (a small detour).

One year later, after working in the magazine industry for 10 years, I realized I truly longed to write on and cover topics I was passionate about, such as spirituality and self-help (another nudge), so I ventured out to find an established magazine or website to work for in this segment (another small detour). After months, I realized there were not many out there and certainly not on the East Coast where I lived. I even interviewed with a couple, but the fit just didn’t feel right for me.

One day I was chatting with a friend about my desire, and she casually suggested I start my own online magazine (hello Universe, my old friend). I laughed and told her she was crazy. But six months later, Elevated Existence Magazine debuted online with Deepak Chopra on the cover.

Even though I didn’t respond to that first nudge of working for myself by immediately starting a magazine and website, the Universe or God never stopped putting ideas and opportunities on my path. Eventually I got the message!

I’ve realized it doesn’t matter how far we may stray from our intended higher path, or how many detours we take on the road to our greatest purpose, because God never tires of gently guiding us back. Through signs, synchronicity and the nudges of our intuitive voice, we are guided, and when necessary, redirected.

The next time you feel lost, uncertain of your direction or in the midst of what seems like chaos, take a moment to still your mind, and ask the Universe or God for directions to the fastest and most direct route for the highest good of your soul.

Try this prayer:

  • Dear God, I’m unsure of what to do, what I truly want, and/or which path to take next. I want to do whatever is best for my highest good and the highest good of all those involved. Please open my eyes, ears, mind and heart, that I may recognize the signs and synchronicities sent by my guides, angels and spirit to lead me where I am meant to go. Thank you – Amen

No matter how many dark roads we travel down, or how far we stray, God is always traveling behind us with a flashlight ready to lead us back to love and purpose. It’s often as easy as turning around to recognize the light.

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on FacebookTwitter: @ElevatedTammy on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com.




Editor’s Advice: Cut the Cords Drawing You Back to People, Food & More

By Tammy Mastroberte, Founder, Elevated Existence Magazine

Have you ever been in a relationship – romantic or friendship – and you know it’s not good for you anymore, but just can’t seem to let go? Do you keep getting into debt and can’t seem to catch up no matter how much more money you make? Does sugar have a hold on you?

I recently interviewed bestselling author and angel communicator Doreen Virtue for the Elevated Existence Magazine March 2014 cover story, and while I learned a lot from the interview, one of the things that stood out was her advice about cutting the energetic cords that tie us to people, substances and situations in our lives.

I have heard about cords forming between two people in a relationship, but had not really made the connection to other things in our life, so this was a light bulb moment for me.

She told me, “When you keep going back to anyone or anything that is harmful to you, you’ve got to cut the cord. Whether it’s sugar, an ex-boyfriend or you keep going into debt, there is an attachment of fear energy there like a leash, and it just keeps drawing you back again.”

I’ve written and spoken about “elevated reinforcements,” which is my term for calling in divine assistance from our angels, guides or loved ones who have passed. I call on my reinforcements any time I need them, and even call them in every morning after my meditation to ensure protection and guidance throughout my day. Well, it’s the same thing with cutting energetic cords – all we have to do is ask!

Virtue told me Archangel Michael is the angel to call upon when looking to cut the cords to anything in our lives, and if it’s a cord to a substance or food, also calling in Archangel Raphael can be helpful, as he is the specialist when it comes to healing of any kind.

All we have to do is call on Archangel Michael, saying: “Archangel Michael, please cut the cords of fear between me and [fill in the blank].”

Sometimes it’s a one and done process, but other times we need to ask over and over to break the attachment because we may unknowingly choose to take it back, Virtue said. She called upon Archangel Michael and Raphael to cut the cords between her and chocolate because she was getting headaches, acne and more from it, but couldn’t break free from the habit. For her, asking once providing an instant healing and she hasn’t craved it since!

Navigating this world as a soul in human form is not an easy task, but knowing we have assistance waiting in the wings can make the road a lot less bumpy! This week, pick one cord you know is draining your energy and ask Archangel Michael for help – and keep asking until you feel lighter, more free, and less controlled by it.

You will be amazed how much better you feel, and how much your faith in your “elevated reinforcements” will grow!

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter: @ElevatedTammy on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com.

Editor’s Advice: A Simple Tool to Calm Down

A few months ago, I saw bestselling author and integrative physician, Dr. Andrew Weil, speak about a breathing technique on the Dr. Oz Show. He called it “a natural tranquilizer for the nervous system,” and in today’s busy, stress-filled society, we could all use a natural tranquilizer once in a while!

It’s known as the 4-7-8 Relaxing Breath exercise, and the best part is it takes only a minute and a half each day to practice. While many people see immediate benefits, these increase over time.

I recently added this exercise to my daily routine, and I love it. So, of course, I have to share it with all my elevated friends because it’s so simple, doesn’t take much time, and offers so many benefits! (See video below for Dr. Weil demonstrating the technique.)

The exercise must be done twice per day, at four cycles each time. Dr. Weil uses it before his morning meditation and at night when he lays down to sleep, and that is how I began incorporating into my life. I actually find it improves my meditation session and relaxes me before I even begin my mantra. I also use it whenever I feel stressed, anxious or triggered by something, and it immediately sends me into a place of calm.

Dr. Weil said this breath is the “single best method” he has found for falling back to sleep if he wakes up in the middle of the night, and it is also a very powerful anti-anxiety tool – even helping those with panic disorders.

“You are putting a signal into your nervous system and the effects of this are cumulative,” he said. “I guarantee you, if you will stick with this you will be amazed at what you will see.”

All you need to do is place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of the tissue right behind your front teeth, inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold it for a count of seven, and then exhale through your mouth making a “whoosh” sound for a count of eight. Do this for four cycles.

After a month of practice, this can be done for up to eight cycles at a time, twice per day, and also as needed throughout the day. Not only do you get immediate relief, but you are retraining your body and nervous system to function differently.

Watch Dr. Weil explain the technique and demonstrate it in the below video, and I hope you like it as much as I do!

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @ElevatedTammy or on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com.

Sherry Gaba: Heal Past Trauma with the Somatic Recovery Technique

We have all been through trauma at some point in our lives – whether it’s divorce, a sudden death, health diagnosis, or even a car accident – and as a result, emotional and physical energy can get stuck in our body and mind.

Celebrity psychotherapist, life coach and author of The Law of Sobriety,” Sherry Gaba, explained how many of us don’t realize this stuck energy is blocking us and holding us back from living in joy, attracting the right relationship, healing our body, and so much more. She joined Tammy Mastroberte, founder of Elevated Existence and publisher & editorial director of Elevated Existence Magazine, on the Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Soul Summit to explain the Somatic Recovery Technique, and how releasing trauma can open us up to a life filled with more joy, love and happiness.

“Trauma is something that causes you to go unconscious and you can no longer fight or flee the situation, so your body just froze,” Gaba explained on the call. “What it did is froze energy and locked it inside your body and your cells, and there is no movement.”

People often wonder why they haven’t found the relationship of their dreams, or why their health is not improving, and what is really going on is they are stuck from past trauma energy in the body they have not released, said Gaba.

“Even though I am a licensed psychotherapist, I don’t believe you can talk through old trauma. Trauma in the body must be released in a very systematic, thoughtful way,” she said.

There are ways we can identify trauma in our body, including an exercise Gaba shared on the call. Start by thinking about an upset, loss, divorce or even abuse from early childhood, and notice what it feels like in the body. Is there a sensation in the lower back or the neck? This often gives us a clue of where the trauma is being held in the body. The key is not to run from it, but to actually notice it and be mindful of the emotions and sensations in the body, and allow them to discharge.

“It’s about being in the discomfort of the feeling in your body, entering the present moment and releasing all the pent up energy that has been holding you back from being fully awake and conscious,” she said.

Gaba teaches the Somatic Recovery Technique, which is a 7-step program to release and heal from trauma, and is also a way to find our true purpose, she explained.

“What I find is, we release the stuck energy and then what? We want to find purpose and a passion in our lives to replace it. That is the final result of the program,” she said, explaining people finally feel free from this process. “Your body is finally free of all that negativity and toxicity and able to let go. There is no resistance anymore. You finally have surrendered completely.”

Getting Unstuck
Gaba developed the Somatic Recovery process because she needed to let go of past trauma in her own life, which began prematurely. She was born three months early and put in an incubator, where her mother was not allowed to touch her because years ago people believed the mother could pass germs onto the child.

“I didn’t meet my mother until I was two and a half months old, so I missed that initial bonding period,” she shared. “I had a lot of issues growing up and later in my life with relationships because I didn’t have those first few months experience of early bonding. I had a lot of issues with picking unavailable people because I was unavailable to me.”

She found it didn’t matter how much therapy she went for, she didn’t heal until she discovered a therapist that specialized in trauma, and helped her get back into her body. Before that she was literally walking around in a “disassociated state,” just trying to survive, but not awake to her own authentic self.

“We have a knowing inside of us that is really our soul and soul purpose,” she shared. “When you start releasing the energy that has been stuck for so long, your soul’s purpose comes alive. You finally go, ‘yes, that is it! That is what makes me feel joy. That is what I’m passionate about.’”

So many of us work in jobs we don’t like and are in relationships where we are faking it until we make it, and this is covering up layers of truth inside of us. It’s impossible to be healthy when living in this state, Gaba explained. Releasing the trauma lets the negativity and old energy out, allowing the truth of who we are to come forward.

“Trauma keeps energy surpressed in every organ of our body. That is why people have aches and pains, and emotional issues, and that is energy that has not been released. It’s stuck in the body and keeping them from living a joyous life. This stored energy becomes toxic – all the distorted lies people tell themselves, the belief systems that no longer hold true, the moods that keep them living in fear and anxiety … it’s causing negative habits, destructive behavior and keeping people immobilized.”

This also applies to the law of attraction, she explained. Trauma weighs down our vibration, making it very difficult to attract the high vibrational life we desire.

“If you want to attract, joy, the relationship, the job, you have to be in the felt sense of the thing you want. You want to feel it in your body at the frequency you desire, but if you are filled with all that stuck energy, how could you be at that felt sense?” she asked. “I don’t’ see how that is possible. That is why I don’t think the law of attraction alone works. You have to do this work first. You have to get rid of the old energy. Everything great happened for me when I started doing this work.”