Dr. Emmett Miller: The Key to Healing the Body, Mind & Spirit

Dr. Emmett Miller is acclaimed as one of the father’s of holistic and mind/body medicine, and is a practicing physician, psychotherapist, musician and bestselling author of books including “Deep Healing: The Essence of Mind Body Medicine.” He joined Elevated Existence Magazine founder, Tammy Mastroberte, as part of the “Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Soul Summit” to discuss the power of the mind and spirit to heal yourself.

“The old paradigm of healing is the thought of our illnesses being caused by something from the outside – caused by germs or bacteria. Western medicine as we know it is about attacking the illness, we have anti-anxiety, and antidepressant and antibiotic and ‘anti’ everything, but in fact, nowadays 90 percent of our illness are not caused by things that attack our bodies or traumas from the inside, but have to do with the imbalances within ourselves,” Dr. Miller explained on the call.

Our poor diets, lack of exercise and sleep deprivation all play a part, but the psychological stress of living in the world today is responsible for 90 percent to 95 percent of our illnesses, he explained.

“What we treat in Western medicine are the symptoms of illness, and what it is that we need to be doing, and what I’ve been fighting for 50 years now, is we need to begin to treat the source of our illnesses, which has to do with how we are thinking, how we are feeling, how we are dealing with the stress in our lives, how we’re relating to other people, and the choices that we make on a daily basis,” said Dr. Miller. “That is at the root of most of our illnesses, from heart disease to diabetes to respiratory problems to digestive difficulties right on up to cancer itself.”

Listen to Dr. Miller’s interview, along with 25 other mind, body & spirit experts FREE!


There are two nervous systems in the body – the sympathetic and the parasympathetic, and the parasympathetic kicks in when we are relaxed. This is the mode in which the body can heal and build up the organs of the body and the brain to a healthy state. But the deeper part of the mind – the one we share with animals – is where the body shifts into the sympathetic mode of fight or flight, anxiety and stress.

“Any time there is a threat, the body shifts into this sympathetic mode, which means you pump out adrenaline and cortisol, and that is only meant for emergencies, like once every week or so when your body is really threatened, then you go into this emergency mode where the bodies chemicals secreted break down all of the tissues of the body and turn them into glucose so that you can escape from whatever the danger is and that is what we call stress,” said Dr. Miller.

However, because of the stress we live under and the emotions it triggers – whether it’s anxiety, anger, resentment or jealousy — we are kept in this constant state of chemicals and stress hormones. This makes the body more susceptible to the illnesses that are out there, he noted.

“We have tens of thousands of controlled experiements now and studies, which demonstrate that this is true. This is no longer a theory. When I began it in the ‘60s and ‘70s, it was a theory, but now we know that it’s true,” he said on the call. “Ultimately the stress comes from our belief that we are in the midst of a conflict. That somebody is after us, we’ve got to figure out this, we’ve got to get to work on time, we’ve got to avoid the idiot driving next to us. When you believe that you are in conflict that throws you into a stressful condition and starts the body to breaking down it’s tissues and inhibiting the immune function, and those are some of the reasons that we get ill.”

Part of the problem is many people have learned to suppress their emotions, so they don’t even realize they are under stress. This continued state is what is causing us to not only become ill, but stay ill.

“Whatever your condition, the greater the amount of time you stay in this unbroken cycle of stress, the more quickly you are going to become ill, and the slower that you heal when you become ill,” said Dr. Miller.

Tapping Into Healing
During his clinical work following medical school, Dr. Miller realized that mental, emotional, behavioral, spiritual and social factors all play a crucial role in human health and disease. When these are directly addressed in health care, healing is faster and more complete – and a large portion of illnesses can be prevented. He created self-healing tools including guided imagery, meditation and deep relaxation to activate the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.

“What I found is if a person becomes ill, if you are able to practice these techniques for quieting yourself, for going into the health state, then the organs of your body can heal yourself more quickly,” he explained. “That means even if you are recovering form surgery or a heart attack, you can get better one-quarter to one-third faster, just by going inside and taking care of yourself in this way.”

What keeps us healthy is when the body and mind are in coherence or in harmony with one another. This creates conditions for the body’s inherent healing ability to kick in. It’s stress and anxiety that take us out of our coherent state and begin to break the body down.

Dr. Miller studied meditation, prayer, hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and began to use them in his practice with patients in the ‘60s and ‘70s, and he realized it was possible for people to enter a certain state of mind to relax deeply and activate the body’s power to heal. He created audio cassettes, and today he has CDs and mp3s available, which are in use at the Mayo Clinic and more.

See the Special Offer Dr. Miller put together for 50 percent off his products here!

“Our brain’s are functioning the way they functioned 100,000 years ago, but we live in a very different world because it’s not saber-toothed tigers that are causing our stress. We are dealing with social stresses and the responses we are using make us sick,” he said. “They don’t enable us to deal well with the stresses around us, and they make us very susceptible to the things we become addicted to — alcohol, drugs, food, shopping and gambling — are all behaviors that bodies are using to try to relieve the unremitting stress, which is within.”

Once this stress is gone, and people can find a place of calm and serenity in the present moment – and gain the wisdom to accept what they can’t change, and make decisions on what they can change – then the addictions and the negative behaviors go away, he said.

“Instead we can focus on healing, optimal performance, being happy, and the ultimate of all is to really learn how to love because that is what we came here for. And that is the new software for the mind,” Dr. Miller shared on the call.


Dr. Darren Weissman: Uncovering the Emotional Root of Symptoms, Stress & Disease in Order to Heal

At the root of every symptom, stress and disease is a subconscious emotional pattern of reaction, according to Dr. Darren Weissman, best-selling author of “The Power of Infinite Love & Gratitude,” and “Awakening to the Secret Code of Your Mind.”

Dr. Weissman joined Elevated Existence founder, Tammy Mastroberte, as part of the “Living an Elevated Existence Mind, Body & Spirit Summit,” to talk about uncovering the emotional root of stress, symptoms and disease in order to heal.

He explained the conscious mind is what we perceive with our senses, and only 2 percent to 10 percent of our mind is conscious. The remainder, and what is running the show for many aspects of our life, including physical symptoms in the body, is the subconscious mind. It actually controls all of our bodily functions from heart rate and blood pressure to our immunity, hormone balance, sugar metabolism and more. It is also where emotions, memories and beliefs are stored that have not been processed or integrated.

“Symptoms and stress and the health of our body is really relative to a fish and it’s relationship to water. We are so submerged in our emotional reality, and we don’t even realize that it’s influencing how I am able to digest food, how I’m able to recognize pollen in spring or ragweed in autumn. How my body is able to amp up its immune system under different types of bacteria or viral stresses,” said Dr. Weissman.

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He continued: “Our body is designed to heal, regenerate and be whole. However, there is this whole other world called the subconscious that stores every experience we’ve ever had, whether we know it or not, and the thing about the subconscious is it’s below our awareness so we don’t’ even know it’s in there. But when those emotions or memories get triggered they change us immediately and instantly, and the change is palpable. You can feel it in your body. It’s painful, and it’s stressful.”

These subconscious emotional patterns of reaction are often something from childhood still operating on us today, and they are literally causing the symptoms we are feeling or the diseases we are being diagnosed with.

“The subconscious mind is the driver. In our subconscious mind, there are memories from when we were younger or even in our mother’s womb, still living in us today,” Dr. Weissman said during the call. “Our emotions come to life, and we replay them over and over and over again. So all the sudden somebody says something that is remotely similar to when I was three, and i didn’t even know that it was in me. All the sudden I feel tenseness in my chest, and I’m having a hard time breathing. If it happens long enough, I go to my doctor, and I’m diagnosed with asthma or some type of respiratory challenge, or it creates in another person an acid reflux or a stiffness in the neck.”

Dr. Weissman developed the LifeLine Technique to help people immediately get into the root emotions and memories and create a shift. It raises the energy and consciousness so people can make quick and lasting changes in their body – which is essentially designed to heal itself.

“When you get to the core emotion and memory, and with LifeLine Technique we can process this energy in the subconscious mind, changes occur immediately, and people can learn this as a tool to use on themselves,” he noted. “Everything, including stubbing your toe in the middle of the night, has a subconscious root.”

Sign up FREE for the Living an Elevated Existence Summit Now!

Real Life Examples
Dr. Weissman shared a couple examples of clients he worked with in the past, including a woman who was beginning a ski season and tore her ACL in her knee. The MRI showed a complete rupture. Dr. Weissman worked with her using LifeLine sessions, and they uncovered emotions stemming from the discovery her husband had been having an affair.

“There was underlying anger, resentment and depression, and that is always associated with knees and shoulders and eyes because in Chinese medicine has to do with the wood element,” she said. “There is an interconnection to parts of the body and emotions and what was amazing is after we worked together to clear them, she went back and had an MRI and the ACL had reattached itself.”

Another example he shared was a 9-year-old boy who suffered from migraines. The family attempted everything to help him, from over-the-counter medication to heavy medication from a neurologist, and after the second LifeLine session with Dr. Weissman, his migraines were gone.

“After that, the parents invested in the husband learning the LifeLine Technique and he is getting certified next weekend,” said Dr. Weissman.

Pain in our body and stress in our life are actually gifts and messengers, and they are communicating to us areas in our subconscious that need to be healed with what Dr. Weissman calls “infinite love and gratitude.”

“People look at symptoms and taking a pill for it and to make it go away,” he explained in the call. “Inside that pain, fear and stress, there is a gem. It looks like coal because of the way we are looking at it, but there is a diamond in it. The first step in translation is to say, ‘Wait a minute, this is a conversation,’ and  follow strategic methodical steps that anyone can learn to shift the patterns of the subconscious mind.”

During the call, Dr. Weissman also walked listeners through his newest technique called the “See Feel Hear Challenge,” which is the basis of his newest book “The Heart of the Matter: A Simple Guide to Discovering Gifts in Strange Wrapping Paper.”

Listen to Dr. Darren Weissman’s interview, along with 25 other mind, body and spirit experts FREE by signing up at www.elevatedexistencesummit.com — and get four free gifts instantly!



Editor’s Advice: Repeat to Delete

When it comes down to it, the books, magazines, seminars, workshops, videos and CDs from experts can give you the tools, advice and inspiration needed to change your life, but it’s up to YOU to do the work and elevate yourself! A big part of that work is repetition.

We must repeat new behavior in order to delete old patterns.

Most of us have spent years developing the habits and ways of thinking we are now trying to change, but it doesn’t have to take years to reverse this. The key is in consistent repetition.

When I interviewed bestselling author Jack Canfield for the Elevated Existence September 2013 cover story he told me about the 30-Day Principle. This states in order to change a habit, a new behavior must be done for 30 days in a row without missing even one day. It’s the daily and consistent repetition that literally changes the brain and locks in the new habit neurologically.

How many of you go to a seminar or read a book and get excited about trying something new. You are determined to change, and begin to practice the new skill. It could be keeping a gratitude journal, practicing meditation, drinking green juice or affirmations. You do it faithfully for 10 days straight, and then you miss a day because you get busy, wake up late or are too tired at night. Suddenly the pattern becomes two days on, three days off, 10 days on, one day off. Sound familiar?

We long to manifest the life we desire — one of peace, happiness, abundance and health — but we don’t remain consistent in the practices we know will help get us there. Without repetition it’s nearly impossible to manifest our desires, change a habit or retrain the brain.

But don’t take my word — or Jack Canfield’s word — for it. Test it out! This month, try picking just one thing you want to change, and begin a practice. If you remain consistent for 30 days, I guarantee you will see changes for the better!

Here are some examples and books/CDs I recommend:

— Decrease Stress — Meditate twice a day (even once will help) for 20 minutes each time. If you find it difficult on your own, listen to a guided meditation. One of my favorites is by Joan Borysenko’s “Meditations for Relaxation and Stress Reduction.” Also, I’ve recently began using EFT/tapping twice a day to begin and end my day with less stress using the “Tapping for Stress Relief “ CD by Jessica Ortner.

— Increase Abundance — Begin a gratitude practice. Start each day listing 10 things you are grateful for in your life. It can be gratitude for the roof over year head and the bed to sleep in, or even the actors who entertain you on your favorite television show! Then end each day with 5 things you were grateful for during the day — from the quarter you found on the sidewalk to the driver who let you pass on the highway. A great book to help with 30 days of gratitude is “The Magic,” by Rhonda Byrne.

— Improve Health — Commit to making small changes in your diet, such as daily green juice to alkalize the body, or making a conscious effort to cut your sugar intake in half. Maybe it’s time to start a vitamin regimen (most of us are deficient in vitamin D) and begin taking a daily probiotic supplement since 80 percent of your immune system is in your gut.

Start with one thing, and as you see the benefits, you will be excited to change even more! Nothing is stopping you but yourself and your beliefs. Make this your new affirmation:

“I know I have the power to do, be and create anything I desire.”

And remember that you DO!

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @ElevatedTammy or on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com.




Editor’s Advice: Embracing Our “Not-So-Spiritual” Moments

Let’s get honest for a minute. We all have those “not-so-spiritual” moments where our ego takes the lead, and spirit takes a back seat.

We meditate, pray, go to yoga class, attend workshops, read books, keep a gratitude journal, burn incense, light candles, surround ourselves with crystals, and do all we can to stay in the energy of light and love … and then it happens.

A family member makes an innocent comment (or a not so innocent one); a coworker gets the promotion we feel should be ours; a reckless driver cuts us off on the highway, nearly causing an accident; or we get disappointing news about something important to us. In an instant, our ego takes over, our emotions run wild, and we do or say something that hurts someone else, or even ourselves.

Afterwards, we often feel disappointed, and wonder how we could let that person or situation get to us like that? After all, we are spiritual people who should know better, right? Maybe you’ve even had someone say to you, “I thought you were spiritual. You take all those classes, read those books, and this is how you act?”

Instead of beating ourselves up, we need to remember that part of our growth process is learning from our mistakes so we can become more aware and loving beings – and we can choose better the next time.

Bestselling author Paulo Coelho’s has a passage in his book, Warrior of the Light: A Manual that addresses this issue so well, I had to share it with you!

Excerpted from “Warrior of Light,” by Paulo Coelho:

“Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.

Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.

Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his.

Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.

Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, believed that he was not a Warrior of the Light.

Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.

Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved.

That is why he is Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.”

Do not beat yourself up – or allow others to do so – when you experience those not-so-spiritual moments. Instead embrace them, and know with each moment you are becoming a better person – a better soul. We all succumb to fear, pain and anger at times. But by not giving up, we have already won half the battle.

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @ElevatedTammy or on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com.


Editor’s Advice: How to Embrace Change

By Tammy Mastroberte, Founder, Elevated Existence Magazine

It’s easy to find security in the familiar. Even if we aren’t happy with our current situation, at least we know what to expect. Uncertainty makes us uncomfortable. It causes anxiety because we don’t always know what lies ahead.

Have you ever stayed in a relationship or a job because it was easier then taking the risk and making a change? Have you dreamed of starting your own business, going back to school or moving to a new city, but convinced yourself it’s not the right time, you’re too old, or it’s too difficult? Did you think to yourself, “what if I leave and I’m worse off then I am now?”

I’ve never been a big fan of change. I’m a Virgo, and we like stability and a clear plan. We like to know every roadblock that may be ahead of us before we even step foot on the path. When I was younger, it would throw my world off when my mother rearranged the furniture in the living room because it was no longer familiar to me.

But I’ve learned change is not only inevitable, it’s also necessary. We don’t grow standing still.

Deepak Chopra said, “Uncertainty is the fertile ground of pure creativity and freedom.” It’s through uncertainty that we create new circumstances in our lives, and often despite the fear we feel, the risk is worth the reward.

Here are a few tips for navigating and embracing change:

–Use a Powerful Affirmation: “Only good lies before me. The universe has my back and is always working toward my ultimate good. I trust the universe.” Write it on an index card and carry it with you. Post it on your mirror or computer, and look at it throughout the day. Even set a reminder in your cell phone to alert you a few times during the day. Take a deep breath and repeat it to yourself.

–Use Visualization – Imagine the outcome being favorable. Spend at least five minutes a day visualizing success and happiness when it comes to the change you are facing.

-Ask for ‘Elevated Help’ – in a previous Editor’s Advice column, I spoke about calling in ‘Elevated Reinforcements.’ When faced with a change or uncertainty, try this prayer: “Dear God – I call on my angels, guides, loved ones who have passed and all those in my soul family – only those of the highest vibration – to help me dissolve my fear and have faith in the outcome of  (insert change or situation). I am turning it over to you, and I ask you to help me be aware of signs you send my way to guide me to a successful and favorable outcome.”

–Be kind to Yourself – Change is not always easy, so we need to remember to take care of ourselves when going through it. Find time in your day to relax and let go. Take a bubble bath; curl up with a book and a cup of tea at the end of the day; or plan a dinner with good friends to lose yourself in laughter and be in the present moment.

Sometimes we have to just feel the fear and move forward despite it. As Neale Donald Walsch said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Push yourself today, and enjoy the growth tomorrow.

Have you taken a risk, or made a big change in your life that led you to more joy, freedom and happiness – despite the initial fear and anxiety? Share in the comments below!

Tammy_Mastroberte_headshotTammy Mastroberte is a three-time, award-winning writer, founder of Elevated Existence, and publisher and editorial director of the multi-award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine. She started the new age, spiritual and self-improvement publication at age 30 – eight years after the sudden death of her mother from a brain aneurysm only three days after Christmas in 1999. This tragedy led her down a synchronistic path to discover her purpose and the meaning behind many of the events in her life – including her mother’s death. She now shares her guidance, and the wisdom of today’s top authors and spiritual celebrities through Elevated Existence Magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @ElevatedTammy or on Instagram: elevatedtammy. For more information, visit www.tammymastroberte.com.


Editor’s Advice: Follow the Footsteps of Synchronicity

How would your life change if you knew that everything occurring in it – both good and bad – was solely for your benefit and the growth of your soul? What if you knew that no matter how far you stray from the path you are meant to be on, the universe will never stop offering opportunities to navigate you back?

It’s seemingly impossible to see the silver lining when blinded by those dark clouds that can temporarily block our view from the sun. But even in the most chaotic of times, meaning often reveals itself when the smoke clears.

That’s what I find comfort and peace in today, and that’s what keeps me going when I hit a speed bump that temporarily slows me down.

You see, I don’t believe in accidents or coincidences. I believe there is only a meaning we have yet to uncover. And I believe this because I’ve seen synchronicity play out in my own life time and again.

When I started college I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I went to school full-time during the day, and worked part-time at a chiropractor’s office in the evenings. I eventually decided to major in English Writing because writing was something I enjoyed. It came easily to me, and I was told by teachers at an early age I had a talent for it.

When I turned 20, I was dealing with a lot of conflict at the chiropractic office, and was no longer happy there. We often see conflict and chaos as a bad thing, right? Well, keep reading…

I thought it might be a good idea to get a part time job where I could do some writing. Then I might be better able to get a job when I graduated college the following year. I quickly found an ad in the newspaper from a local magazine publisher seeking part-time help from an editorial assistant, and writing was part of the job. They offered flexible hours so students could apply, and the office was only 10-minutes from my house. With absolutely no experience, I applied for it, interviewed and was hired!

It was just 10 years later, after experience at two other publishing companies where I worked my way up to Executive Editor, that I decided to start Elevated Existence Magazine.

Do I think it’s a coincidence that writing came easily to me, and I was told I was good at it when I was very young? No way! We are all given unique gifts and talents to use in this life, and when you marry those talents with passion and purpose, there is no limit to how far you can go.

Do I think it was an accident a publishing company only 10 minutes from my house was hiring someone part-time when I started looking for a new job? Of course not! The universe is constantly presenting us with the opportunities we need and want. The key is to be open to them, recognize them and act on them when they are given – and of course, be grateful every step of the way.

I know the universe was setting me up with the experience I needed in the magazine industry, and it was also connecting me with the people I needed to carry out my purpose. I actually met the current creative director of Elevated Existence at one of the publishing companies I worked for (she was the art director and graphic designer for one of the magazines I worked on). And the creative director who designed the template for the magazine and helped me launch it five years ago was also a co-worker in the publishing industry.

This is just one example of many synchronicities I have been able to see clearly by looking back at my life path up until now. It’s an exercise I call “Following the Footsteps,” and can help you gain the reassurance you need in your present and future circumstances to keep moving forward. Knowing that everything does indeed happen for a reason, and for our ultimate good, helps us trust and have faith in the future – especially when things don’t seem to be going our way.

Did you lose a job, but find yourself grateful because an even better one came along? Maybe the new job allowed you to travel to a convention where you met the man or woman you were meant to marry. What about the last minute decision to attend a dinner party where you met someone who helped you take your business to the next level? Or the woman on line in Starbucks who overheard your phone conversation and had the perfect solution to your problem?

Synchronicities are gifts from the universe, and they are everywhere. They are happening all the time for everyone on the planet. When you start following the footsteps and connecting the dots to these links in your past, it will be easier to spot them as they unfold in the present and future.

Listen to me talk about synchronicity and other tips to live an “elevated existence” on Awakenings Radio here!

Do you have any experiences to share? Leave them in the comments below!